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Price: $695.00

The Certification in Evidence-Based Leadership (CEBL) program is a process which provides leadership and agency operational teams with an efficient and standardized approach for achieving evidence-based organizational excellence and become credentialed in the process. In addition, participation in the training fulfills an organization's initial training requirement for beginning the process of Certification as an Evidence-Based Organization.

Our certification program;

  1. recognizes and advances the capabilities of leadership and their agencies
  2. enables professionals to become part of a nationwide network of professionals devoted to improving their productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness
  3. enhances the performance of their agencies and organizations, and
  4. aids in the recruitment and retention of skilled and talented staff members.

The program is offered via 3 channels;

  1. online on-demand (NOTE: This purchase gives you online access now.)
  2. at our annual pathways conferences and masterclass workshops, and
  3. scheduled as a private program by agencies for their employees

An essential part of the program is our comprehensive online self-paced course designed to help participants acquire the skills for building and sustaining an evidence-based organization or program evidence-based approaches will thrive at - even after initial funding has stopped, or staff move on.

NOTE: New certification candidates remain in "Pending" status while undergoing credentialing. Pending status is removed when the candidate successfully completes credentialing requirements.

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