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Here is our inventory of government and non-governmental agencies and reviewers who conduct rigorous research, trials and evaluations on programs and practices to determine which ones have empirical support and also implementation resources. Consequently, they are rated for the degree to which they achieve their desired outcomes. Ratings based on accepted evaluation standards - effective, promising, or not at all effective - are then assigned.
Click on the corresponding links below to visit the agencies' websites for further details.
California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare
CEBC is a searchable database of child welfare related programs. The resource offers descriptions and information on research evidence for specific programs.
Campbell Collaboration
The Campbell Collaborative Library is a research resource for evidence-based professionals
Child Welfare: California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare
The mission of the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare (CEBC) is to advance the effective implementation of evidence-based practices for children and families involved with the child welfare system. is a registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies of human participants conducted around the world. It is a service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. View Mental Health Trials. View Behavioral Health Trials
Coalition for Evidence Based Policy
The Coalition is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, whose mission is to increase government effectiveness through rigorous evidence about “what works.” The Coalition has no affiliation with any programs or program models, enabling it to serve as a neutral, independent source of expertise to Congress, the Executive Branch agencies, and other stakeholders on evidence-based programs. Funding for this project is provided by the MacArthur Foundation.
Cochrane Library
The Cochrane Library is a research resource for evidence-based professionals
The EBP Hub is an online portal, store, exclusive resource hub, and home for the evidence-based community resources.
EBP Society
The Society is dedicated to help increase the application of evidence based approaches in human and justice services fields by providing efficient access to staff training and development programs and resources. In addition, EBPS facilitates professional certifications to enhance and strengthen career growth for evidence-based professionals and their organizations.
The George Lucas Educational Foundation is dedicated to improving the K-12 learning process through innovative, replicable, and evidence-based strategies that prepare students to thrive in their studies, careers, and adult lives.
Joyfields Institute
Joyfields Institute standardized Evidence-based & Strength-centered programs and supports training and performance evaluation through its workshops, conferences and webcasts. The organization helps guide agencies in the process of satisfying requirements for becoming evidence-based.
National Reentry Resource Center - (Council of State Governments)
The What Works in Reentry Clearinghouse offers easy access to important research on the effectiveness of a wide variety of reentry programs and practices. It provides a user-friendly, one-stop shop for practitioners and service providers seeking guidance on evidence-based reentry interventions, as well as a useful resource for researchers and others interested in reentry.
Office of Justice Programs - Crime Solutions
The Office of Justice Programs’ uses rigorous research to determine what works in criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services. On you will find:
- Research on program effectiveness reviewed and rated by Expert Reviewers
- Easily understandable ratings based on the evidence that indicates whether a program achieves its goals
Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's Model Programs Guide (MPG) is designed to assist practitioners and communities in implementing evidence-based prevention and intervention programs that can make a difference in the lives of children and communities.
SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP)
The National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP) has been indefinitely suspended by federal health officials.
While the database is still available online, no new resources have been added since it was frozen in September. At least 90 programs that have already been vetted and passed NREPP’s standards are not available to the public due to the freeze.
Additional SAMHSA EBP Resources
- EBP Web Guide Page
- List for Substance Abuse Prevention
- List for Substance Abuse Treatment
- List for Mental Health Treatment
- List for Mental Health Treatment
University of Colorado Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence - Blueprints for Violence Prevention
CSPV provides assistance to groups committed to understanding and preventing violence, particularly adolescent violence. It achieves this mission by disseminating information to the public, offering technical assistance to those working in violence prevention, and conducting basic research into the causes of violence and the effectiveness of violence prevention programs.
University of Washington - Evidence Based Practice Institute
The Evidence Based Practice Institute (EBPI) serves as a resource for state entities in identification, evaluation, and partnering with various communities (e.g. families, providers) on evidence based practices and offers provider training and consultation on the implementation of EBP's in communities, as well as the promotion of evidence based or promising practices.
SAMHSA Publications Store (USA)
Other EB Publications
- Assertive Community Treatment: Evaluating Your Program
- Family Psychoeducation: Evaluating Your Program
- Illness Management and Recovery
- Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders
- Permanent Supportive Housing module
- Supported Employment: Evaluating Your Program
- 50 State Report on Public Safety: Tools and strategies to help states reduce crime, recidivism, and costs
- How Policymakers Prioritize Evidence-Based Programs Through Law: Lessons from Washington, Tennessee, and Oregon
- Public Safety Performance Project
- PEW Report - Trends In State Recidivism
- Guidelines for Successful Transition of People with Mental or Substance Use Disorders from Jail and Prison: Implementation Guide
- Faith & Communities in Action: A Resource Guide for Increasing Partnership Opportunities to Prevent Crime and Violence
- Assembling the Jail reentry puzzle
- Coaching Packet - Framework for Offender Reentry
- Dr Latessa: What Works What Does Not In Reducing Recidivism
- EBP Implementation Checklist
- EBP skills assessment for Criminal Justice organizations
- EBP Funding: Five Ways Funders Can Replicate What Works - Article points to the importance of evaluation and researcher/practitioner partnerships being built into funding and implementation of evidence-based programs.
- Evidence-based Organizations Workbook
- Increasing Public Safety Through Successful Offender Reentry Evidence-Based and Emerging Practices in Corrections
- Jail Administrator toolkit for reentry
- Justice Center Recidivism Report 2012
- Life after lockup
- Second Chance Act Fact Sheet
- TPC Case Management Handbook An Integrated Case Management Approach
- Strengths-Based Case Management Fidelity Scale - University of Kansas
- Why Science Maters in International Aid
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Moral Reconation Therapy
- Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Offenders: A Comprehensive Review of MRT Outcome Research
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: NIC Resources
- Moral Reconation Therapy and Problem Behavior in the Oklahoma Department of Corrections
- Reduce Recidivism in DUI Offenders: Add a Cognitive -Behavioral Program Component
- Treating Drunk Drivers with Moral Reconation Therapy: A Two-Year Recidivism Study (1990)
- Ten-Year Outcome Data on MRT-Treated DWI Offenders (1999)
- What Works: The Practitioner's Response to Theory and Evidence [Webinar]
- An Evaluation of the Moral Reconation Therapy of the Franklin/Jefferson (IL) County Evening Reporting Center Program
- A Quantitative Review of Structured, Group-Oriented, Cognitive-Behavioral Programs for Offenders
- Treating Juvenile Offenders and At-Risk Youth with MRT: Comprehensive Review of Outcome Literature
- A Meta-Analysis of Moral Reconation Therapy
National Institute of Corrections (NIC)
- Evidence-Based Practices (Catchall treasure trove! - Principles, Implementation, & etc.)
- Evidence-Based Practice - Topics
- Community Supervision Division - Topics
- ATTC Network Coordinating Office provides a wide range of useful resources for Opioid Use Disorders.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Store (USA)
US Surgeon General
Workforce & Career Services - Catering to Individuals with high barriers to employment
- Workforce Development for Justice-Involved Individuals: Using Computer Systems and Websites to Assist Justice-Involved Individuals with Career Planning [eLearning]
- Re-Entry Curriculum: Merging Two Worlds (AZ DOC)
- Employment Information Handbook, 2011
- CPC Newsline for People with Less-than-Ideal Backgrounds, 2010
- Going to Work with a Criminal Record: Lessons Learned from the Fathers at Work Initiative, 2008
- Interview Skills & Resume Writing
- Resume Writing
- Module 6: Helping Offenders Secure Employment
Working With Youth - School teacher resources
Emergency - Survival
Following below is an inventory of government-related agencies. Although we endeavor to ensure the accuracy of these resources we cannot guarantee their accuracy. Please use these resources as tools to aid your research. We cannot be held liable in any way.
Occasionally the resource referred to may have made changes to the original link we were given to add to this resource.
- Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network
- CDC - The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
- Council of State Governments
- Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- National Institute of Corrections
- National Institute on Drug Abuse
- National Institutes of Health
- National Institute of Justice
- National Institute of Mental Health
- National Library of Medicine
- Office of Decease Prevention & Health Promotion
- Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention
- SAMHSA - Substance Abuse & Mental Health Administration
- American Psychological Association
- Institute of Behavioral Research
- American Society of Addiction Medicine
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute Bibliographies on Substance Abuse
- American Public Health Association
- American Psychiatric Association
- College on Problems of Drug Dependence
- Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program
- Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
- National Institute of Cancer Control and Population Studies
- The Campbell Collaboration
- The Cochrane Library
Articles From EBP Community
Evidence-Based Professionals' Monthly - February 2025
05 February 2025
Evidence-Based Professionals' Monthly - January 2025
07 January 2025
Evidence-Based Professionals' Monthly - December 2024
09 December 2024
EB Pathways Conference & Masterclass Systems Updates
09 December 2024
Evidence-Based Professionals' Monthly - November 2024
06 November 2024
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