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Motivational Interviewing (MI) Skills Training for Supervisory Teams


February 13, 2023

Where: Online at your desktop, or smart device

** Register a team and take advantage of group rates


The aim of this workshop program is to;

1. Train supervisors on the basic MI skills to apply for leading and managing their staff in day-to-day interactions,

2. Train supervisors to use MI skills when providing professional feedback and motivating employee behavior change, and

3. Train supervisors and managers on initial skills and considerations when providing ongoing coaching support to their staff who have received MI training and are applying their MI skills with clients.

Previous MI Skills training required. Participants are encouraged to participate in the MI Skills training scheduled ahead of this one to gain an understanding of essential MI skills or to simply refresh what they already know.

* Professional Certification: Training hours credits earned may be allied toward certification, or potentially meet other professional licensing and continuing education requirements.


In-house agency training personnel and their colleagues.

“I liked that the information was tactical, action-oriented, and given from the perspective of organizational development. I liked that we were provided with specific tools (questionnaires and assessments) to utilize with our agencies. I am in strong agreement that we need to focus on internal processes and on staff outcomes as part of an evidence-based approach and I think it's great that the workshop highlighted this throughout “


Trevor J. Manthey, Ph.D., MINT, CEBP

Faculty-Trevor Manthey


Trevor Manthey is engaged in researching and training interventions that help facilitate self-determination in rehabilitation settings. This interest in self-determination has led to authored publications on topics such as Shared-Decision Making, Self-Directed Care, Motivational Interviewing (MI), Supported Education, Supported Employment and Peer Support. Trevor is also a member of MINT (Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers).

His work history includes over 15 years of experience in the human, social and justice services field including both inpatient and outpatient settings. More...


* Faculty is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT)

Professional Certification: Training hours credits earned may be applied toward EBP Society certification, or potentially meet other professional licensing and continuing education requirements.

Event Details

Event Date 02/13/2023
Event End Date 02/13/2023
Cut off date 02/13/2023
Individual Price $295.00
Speaker Trevor J. Manthey, Ph.D., MINT, CEBP
Number Hours 7
Location Online Event

Group Rate

Number of Registrants Rate/Person ($)
4 221.25

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