Correctional Program Evaluation Methods (CPEM)
Evidence-Based Correctional Program Evaluation Methods instruct participants on the research and tools used to assess the effectiveness of programmatic interventions. The goal is to help staff develop the competencies, experience, and skills needed to effectively facilitate institutional and community-based correctional enhancement through effective program assessment.
Evidence-Based Correctional Program Evaluation Methods instruct participants on the research and tools used to assess the effectiveness of programmatic interventions. The goal is to help staff develop the competencies, experience, and skills needed to effectively facilitate institutional and community-based correctional enhancement through effective program assessment.
Types of CPEM Training Modules
- “What Works” in correctional interventions, including the research-based principles of effective intervention
- Correctional Program Evaluation Methods (CPEM)
- The process of administering the CPEM
This training is for those who work with program assessment, including social workers, counselors, caseworkers, probation officers, correctional officers, supervisors, and others who are concerned about effective programming and offender outcomes. This training is especially helpful for those who are responsible for reducing offender risk and recidivism.
How CPEM On-Site Program Assessments Are Conducted
Participants shadow faculty-trainers to conduct a CPEM audit of one (or more) programs. As part of the instruction, they are led to debrief the process. Much of the CPEM process involves one-on-one interviews with many of the program staff, as well as a close, careful review of programming materials (manuals, curricula, policies & procedures, files). After the program assessment has been completed the trainers review everything that was done during the assessment process, score the effort using CPEM, explain what happens next, and answer questions from the trainees.
Following on-site training, the trainers prepare a CPEM Report for each program that was assessed during the training session. The report is provided to all trainees so that they can see and understand the results.
Recommendations Report
One of the crucial parts of the report is the Recommendations section, it contains specific ways in which the program can improve areas of weakness that were revealed via the CPEM process. The program evaluators (trainees) should be in a position to offer assistance and advice to the programs regarding the ways in which changes should be made to improve the program.
Participants will gain an understanding of the techniques that will allow them to implement effective strategies in assessing treatment programs.
The goal of the training is for participants to walk away with tools and resources that would allow for improved program assessments within the department or county. To facilitate this goal, participants will engage in group training and exercises throughout the course of the workshop.
This type of training is designed for anyone who works with program assessment, including social workers, counselors, caseworkers, probation officers, correctional officers, supervisors, and others who are concerned about effective programming and offender outcomes. This training is especially helpful for those who are responsible for reducing offender risk and recidivism.
Sample Workshop-1 Agenda
Day One
- Process introduction
- Conduct site visits – participants will shadow trainers while they conduct:
- Interviews
- Observations
- Program document reviews
Day Two
- Score the program under review
- In teams, participants will use interview guides and program information to score the program according to the various sections of CPEM
- Review CPEM scoring (examined for discrepancies), and identify next steps
- Concluding instruction & remarks
Sample Workshop-2 Agenda
Day One
- Introductions
- Review training agenda
- Overview of CPEM and training
- Review principles of effective intervention
Day Two
- Overview of CPEM assessment tools
- Review assessment and scoring protocols for CPEM
- Review validity of CPEM
- Begin review of the CPEM scoring
- Complete review of the CPEM scoring
- Video of staff interviews/treatment session and practice scoring
Day Three
- Interviewing and data collection skills
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